If you click on the blue titles, it opens/closes sub-titles for navigation (Sorry folks! This only works in Internet Explorer, not Mozilla or Opera).

  1. Introduction and Metaphors:

    1. Metaphor 1

    2. Metaphor 2

    3. Metaphor 3

    4. Metaphor 4

    5. Metaphor 5

      a. Interlude in the Dark Valley

    6. Metaphor 6

    7. Metaphors 7 & 8

    8. Metaphor 9

    9. Metaphors 10 & 11

    10. Metaphor 12

    11. Metaphor 13

    12. Metaphor 14

    13. Metaphor 15

      a. Who I think I am

    14. Metaphor 16

    15. Metaphor 17

    16. Metaphor 18

    17. Metaphor 19

      a. Interlude in the Darker Valley

    18. Metaphor 20

      a. Gangster of Hate

      b. Unquiet Mind

      c. Possession States

      d. The Matrix

      e. Sheldrake

      f. Different Spiritual Atmosphere

      g. Consult Dr.

      g. No Exit

    19. Metaphor 21

    20. Metaphor 22

    21. Metaphor 23

    22. Metaphor 24

       a. 2nd Immersion

    23. Metaphor 25

    24. Metaphor 26

    25. Metaphor 27

  2. Consequential Section

    1. Consequential Homework Assignment

    2. A Spaceship Lands

  3. Question & Answers

    1. Q. & A.

    2. Accident Victim

    3. Fake Punch

    4. Recommended Books

  4. Appendix -

    Necromancy, Reincarnation and the Last Judgment

  5. Footnotes

  6. A Berean Appendix

Note: Brother Stephenson recently placed his book as a blog at: http://twentysevenmetaphors-graspofhappiness.blogspot.com/

If you wish to contact him, a link to his email can be found there as well.